Thursday 19 March 2020


With the COVID-19 pandemic becoming worryingly serious, the government had no choice but to announce the national movement restriction order effective from 18th for 14 days in order to curb and stop the coronavirus from rapidly spreading. Besides the essential sector workers, all have to stay at home or stay put wherever they are and are advised to refrain from travelling elsewhere, including returning to hometown. For those healthcare personnel who have to risk their lives to battle with the ongoing pandemic and to those who are risking to make sure our safety and welfare is taken care of, I would like to thank you for the great effort and please stay safe and healthy wherever you are.

While to those who are forced to stay home for two weeks, please abide to the instructions and bear with the order. There might be some of you who are still required to work from home. Well, at least you’ve something to do. For those who’re not required to work from home like me, I believe you might feel a bit boring and there’s nothing much you can do besides lying on your comfortable couch while scrolling your android and consuming your newsfeed unnecessarily . Actually, there are plenty of other things that you can consider doing at home. Here, I shall share with you what you can do while staying at home for 14 days in six aspects of well-being.

I believe many of those workaholics would not have much time to exercise due to their routine hectic schedules. Well, this two-weeks duration is your time to really consider how you can do something for your physical health. You may consider managing your weight through indoor exercising such as tabata, and healthy dietary planning. You may also consider daily yoga or planning for a 7 to 10 days detox program if you think that your body needs detoxification. There are plenty of guidance video found in Youtube, so I believe that there's no excuse for not knowing where to start.

2.     MENTAL
Mental health is very important in keeping us going and living up to our fullest potential. You may consider some self-enrichment or learning books or videos to develop and enhance your soft skills, knowledge or even life values. If you’re not fond of books, you may adopt a healthy hobby like blogging, vlogging from home, gardening, cooking and etc. However, if you’re having mental uneasiness, feeling anxious, fearful and need somebody to talk to, please, please, please do not hesitate to call up to whom that may help you such as BeFrienders (603-79568145), YBAM Online Psychological Guidance Service ( or other consultation platforms which might be familiar to you.

3.     FAMILY
For those who stays with their family, it’s high time to have more quality time with them. You may organise indoor activities that involves you together with your family members. Those activities can be boardgames, cooking together, doing house chores together, movies together, heart-to-heart chatting and etc. While for those who are not staying with their family, you may make a phone call to them and have some quality, long conversations with them. There are internet video calls nowadays. If not applicable, then I believe that there are many service providers providing unlimited call plans that you may subscribe to.

4.     ECONOMY
Since you can’t go to work for the time-being. So, I think it’s a good idea to start planning for your near future. You may do so through learning up financial management and planning skills, or you may consider exploring opportunities or possibilities for extra income such as investments or side careers. I guess its high time to re-evaluate for ourselves how we spend our money and to prospect how will our financial condition be in the coming five to ten years. If there’s anyone who’re considering for extra income opportunities, you may find me, but provided that you’re open and serious about it, and are willing to learn and take up challenges.

You may consider catching up with your friends, ex-classmates or ex-coursemates and strengthen your network which you could hardly do due to your hectic schedule. However, please don’t get me wrong. I don’t mean that there’s no need for social distancing. With the emergence of convenient networking platform such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat or even Zoom, there’s no excuse for us to not engage with our friends, especially those who’re categorized under lost-in-connection individuals. You may use this platform to express your care for them and even to have some quality conversations with them. Furthermore, you may utilize the convenience of the group-chat feature to start a discussion on a topic in the group. It doesn’t have to be something that’s debatable, it can be a sharing among the group members, for example how they are planning to go through in this 14-days of restriction period.

Depends on people, each and everyone of us have different religions and have different perspectives on spirituality. For me as a Buddhist, I can utilize my time with daily paritta chanting, reading Dhamma books, studying some Buddhist scriptures, listening to Dhamma talk recordings and spend some time for peaceful meditations. For others, you may consider doing your daily prayers, listening to sermons and even do some studies on your religious books or scriptures to enhance your spirituality.

Yes, there’s indeed many things that we can do to utilize this 14-day restriction period. Instead of excessive scrolling on Facebook without any objectives or indulging ourselves with all those negatives sentimental posts and comments, why not considering utilizing this period more purposefully? I’m sure after 14-days, besides seeing the outbreak subsiding nationwide, hopefully, we might be seeing ourselves much happier. Who knows, after this 14-days period, you might discover what matters to you the most or you might have a clarity on the purpose of your life. For everyone’s information, I adapted these six aspects in reference to the Nalanda Buddhist Society’s six well-beings, and it's applicable to everyone regardless of your races and religions. This is merely just my sharing, and also a part of my time-utilizing activity. Well, think about it, my dear readers.

May everyone be well, be healthy and be peaceful.


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