Tuesday 1 November 2016


Everyone has a life, a life full with stories to tell. These stories can be mixtures of happenings, experiences, moments, emotions and etc. Have you ever wondered, what does this life mean to you? For me, I defined life as a blessing, a very rare blessing. Life is a journey from birth to death, in other words or sarcastically to say, we're born to die. This is undeniably the universal truth, the norm that we have to face in life. As long as we're still able to detect the expansion and deflection of our lungs, the air going in and out repeatedly through our noses, we're still alive. Life is between breaths. We wouldn't know when our life will come to an end. Many had expect that we will live until the olden days, but have we ponder how many have no choice but to walk into the portal of mortal before even seeing their hairs turning gray or skin forming more wrinkles? Yup, we wouldn't know whether we are able see tomorrow again. You may find me pessimistic, but this is the truth. Hence, we shouldn't take life for granted. Instead of expecting more from the future, why not start cherishing the life in the moment?

This blog shall record the short moments, not all but the memorable one, of my life. Besides all the fantastic life logs, there might be some opinion-based articles on trending issues happening written by myself as well as some literature masterpiece subjected to inspiration. I aspired that every viewers of this blog would gain inspiration and aspiration, consequently able to successfully discover your own version of what does the life mean to you. The universe that we recognize is vast and cannot be explored in the our whole lifetime, but we can create our own universe, a universe called a meaningful life comprising of every moments and stories captured and experienced by our five senses.

This is my life, my story, my universe. May you be well and happy. I'm Galax, and welcome to the Galax Channel.

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