Friday 25 November 2016


          Ever notice that we often wasting time regretting on the past and worrying for the future? You might say no because you didn’t notice it, but you may try putting yourself into a meditative state or go for a nap, with a condition of not thinking of anything but concentrating in carrying out meditation or sleeping, not even the slightest “Why do I did that just now?” or “What should I have for my dinner today?” I guarantee that most of you would be thinking of the past as well as thinking what to do next instead of concentrating on your meditation or sleep! Another obvious example is examination, where we tend to regret putting the wrong answer and worry about the results to come. Now, here’s a question, why we often regretting the past and worrying about the future? We regret the past because its either we couldn’t accept the fact that we did something wrong, we didn’t do something that we’re supposed to do, or the outcome of our deeds is not up to our expectations. We tend to worry about the future not because it is something that we should be worrying about, but it’s because we have placed our expectations in our future, worrying that it might not be what we have wanted, or unconfident with our future. One would say that its mere nonsense that one shouldn’t think about the past and future, then what’s the purpose of life? It looks like we have forgotten the existence of the present moment.

          Ever heard of “Living in the Moment”? It seems to be a term that is easy to say, but hard to understand. There’s a song named after the four words sang by Jason Mraz in his “Four Letter Word” album. Just imagine that our life is like a play or an act, it seems that we tend to lay all these “traps” right in our path when we just want to be free and happy. Those “traps” are undeniably our regretful and worried thoughts that obstruct us from becoming stronger. Before asking ourselves of the reasons for being so regretful and worried, try to ponder what we actually want? What is our purpose of life? I bet that many of us are blinded by people’s desire or blindly following other people’s footsteps without knowing what we actually want. And that is why we tend to live in an anxious and confusing state, driving us to being regretful of what we have experienced in the past. As we are not clear of what we want and what path we are going to take, of course we will start to become unconfident with our future, hence driving us to keep worrying what’s going to happen next. Therefore, we should let go of the thoughts and live in the present moment.

          Many of us might mistook that living in the moment means forgetting the past and ignoring the future. I shall say that that is absolutely wrong. In my own term, living in the moment means to learn and accept from the past while making adjustments in the present in achieving a better future. Do not put expectations in the future as expectations will make us harder to accept the outcomes. Not putting expectation does not mean that we should not need a future goal. Instead we should have one or more goals so that we have a clear direction of our future instead of blindly walking path. Whether or not our goals are achieved, it depends on how much effort we had put in as well as the fulfilment of other miscellaneous conditions. When there’s a will, there’s a way, just like how the Wright Brothers had made everyone be able to fly and how Alexander Graham Bell had made distant connection possible. Also, do not be greedy in setting goals, know our priorities and boundaries while deciding on the goals, as we wouldn’t like to carry a big load of burden. Some of us might me still unsure about what we want or what we’re living for. In this case, it would be a good to give ourselves short-term goals, perhaps annual goals to for us to achieve. This could train us in shaping our own future. In the path to achievement, remember to put the glass down, remember to give ourselves a break. We’re not robots, we’re humans, and humans will have tendency to get exhausted. Of course, being lazy is a no-no in effectively achieving life goals.

          Life is impermanent, life keeps on changing, and hence that’s why we can have a better tomorrow. For tomorrow to be better, it merely depends on our choice, whether to cherish the present and strive for the betterment or wasting time regretting and worrying about something in the past or has yet to happen to us. So, we’re regretting and worrying for nothing. Yesterday was a history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift, which is why we called present. We can’t change the past, we could not anticipate the future, but we have the ability to adjust what is happening in the moment as reality lies here. So, let’s live in the moment!


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